The epoxy resin hand fan is a great piece of art that can be made with just a few tools and supplies, and it only takes about less than an hour to finish. In this tutorial, I will teach you how to make a resin hand fan through a step-by-step guide so you can easily replicate it on your own at any point in time.
There are five phases to completely achieve a perfect epoxy resin souvenir hand fand.
Phase 1: Gather your materials
When you decide to create an epoxy artwork like the epoxy resin hand fan, you must gather all of the materials and tools you will need before beginning. Assemble all the materials for your project so that there will be orderliness in your work.
Materials Needed (Your Checklist)
This section will show you how to make a resin souvenir hand fan by using some basic materials. To ensure that your epoxy project is a success, we recommend that you make a checklist. Such a checklist will help you define a productive timeline and gather the necessary materials and tools for each step. The following is a list of what you will need for this project:
- Base (a piece of cardboard, a cut-out from a magazine or newspaper)
- Mixing cups and stirring sticks
- Resin
- A surface for painting the fan (I used a paper plate)
- Glue (sticky tack, glue stick)
- Needle and thread
- Aesthetics art designs
Phase 2: Resin measurements
When making multi-layered projects, it is important to calculate the amount of epoxy resin needed. The color pigment can also affect how much resin you use. For example, when adding color to resin and mixing it in a transparent cup, try testing your ready product by nudging a bit of the cup. In this way, you will see the true color and not only the color in the bulk form inside a cup. It is especially helpful for beginners to make sure they are using enough colored resin but not too much.
Phase 3: Patterns - create a pattern
Firstly imagine the piece of art you want to make, that is the souvenir hand fan and then create a pattern of the fan. You can create this pattern with the usual traditional methods of cutting and gluing paper together or you can use a CAD program to create a digital pattern. You can use any shape that you like, but we recommend making it in the shape of a heart.
Phase 4: Prepare resin and colors
After you have created the various shapes you want your fan to take, you will then need to mix hardener and resin for like three to four minutes, scraping the sides and bottom of the mixing container. Next, divide this mixture among cups, adding no more than 6% color (one color per cup) from the total volume of hardener and resin together. Wait 15 minutes for the resin to thicken before proceeding with your project. Two basic colors are needed to create the resin hand fan, turquoise, and dark blue. The purpose of mixing equal amounts of hardener and resin is to create a base coat for your artwork. After 20 minutes, apply another layer of resin over that base coat. Let both layers dry for 24 hours before proceeding with any additional steps.
Phase 5: Final stage - are you set to form your first astonishing epoxy hand fan now?
Now your resin has thickened and is ready to be poured. In order to build your hand fan first get started with your colors. Some people love to use multiple colors in their buildup, others use a single color. Now we will use turquoise and dark blue. Let us follow the step-by-step format used below and be guided on how to attain this.
Step 1: Pour your turquoise
This is your first resin hand fan project and for you to be successful in it you need to follow step-by-step instructions. When applying the mixture onto your already prepared fan surface that is covered in plastic wrap, do ensure that the mixture is applied evenly so that it can create a nice surface for your fan blades. First, pour your turquoise evenly across the first three blades you have made and allow it to dry. They shouldn’t be touching each other or overlapping at all because this can cause bubbles in the final product.
Step 2: Pour your dark blue mixture
Going along with spreading the turquoise colors, is to include a little darker color, which is your dark blue. The dark blue is to give the handle of the fan blades a darker blue effect than the other parts of the fan blade and also to have some other blades with a darker effect. By doing this you will get depth and even gradual color transition with the fan blades giving your hand fan a special design of its own.
Step 3: Put your fan blades together
To give your resin project the final touch, all things considered, let it dry for at least 24 hours. Thereafter put the fan blades together as one fan entity at the tip of each of the blades using a nail and hammer. With your needle and thread, you can join your fan-wrapped plastics together to have a firmer grip as a fan so that it doesn’t scatter when used. Your epoxy resin fan is ready but we will need to add some aesthetics to it.
Step 4: Add some aesthetics
Using glue you can carefully attach the various aesthetic art you have gotten to your fan to give it its final look and style. These aesthetics can be bought from the market. They are of different shapes and styles. You can use them to build something creative in each of the fan blades as you so wish. Now when you have glued them to the resin fan and allowed them to dry, we can confidently say that your fan is ready.
Resin epoxy hand fans are very easy to make pieces of art and they are not expensive to achieve. You can achieve other simple items using resins and following these simple step-by-step tutorials here. Once you have gained mastery of this method of making epoxy hand fans, you will be able to use this method to create other items and shapes with this method. But right about now, your first and unequivocally astonishing resin artwork is ready!